SciLifeLab Anubis |
Submit proposals for grants in open calls. |
Campus Solna Research Environment and Development (RED) Grant - Projects |
Campus Solna is characterized by a research community actively pushing the envelope of what is technically possible to solve important and complex questions in biology. To address the constant challenge of maintaining and developing state-of-the-art technical infrastructures, seed funding for new initiatives is available.
Campus Solna Research Environment and Development (RED) Grant - Equipment |
Annual call for the procurement of common equipment to enhance and maintain the general research capabilities at Campus Solna. Applications for support of up to 1 mkr will be considered. Co-funding strategies are encouraged and RED grant support can be coupled with other financing to acquire equipment exceeding 1 mkr.
Suggest national data services in the Epidemiology and Biology of infection research area |
The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) is building a national Data Platform. The Data Platform acts as a hub for data-driven life science research. It offers access to services and resources that promote the exchange and reuse of scientific outputs (e.g. data, code, methods) in accordance with the principles of Open Science and FAIR. The four Data Science Nodes (DSNs) within the DDLS program contribute services, resources, and best practice guidance relevant to their scientific area to the Data Platform.
The Data Science Node in Epidemiology and Biology of Infection (DSN-EBI), hosted by UmeƄ University, is seeking input from the community to identify priorities for its operations.
We invite you to submit a brief three-page proposal on the national data services needed in the field of epidemiology and biology of infection. This is your opportunity to help advance Swedish data-driven life science, and make a lasting impact on national data services in this research area.
Please note that this is the first of many future opportunities to share your ideas about national data services with us.
Financial support for a SciLifeLab event in 2025 for SciLifeLab Infrastructure and SciLifeLab Group Leaders |
SciLifeLab aims to support events within the scope of our fields of research, open to participants from all over Sweden. We aim to encourage collaboration among and between SciLifeLab infrastructure and researchers, as well as with external organizations, and increase awareness of SciLifeLab to the broader research community in Sweden and abroad. A SciLifeLab infrastructure platform/unit or a SciLifeLab group leader must be the organizer or a visible co-organizer.
Detailed information about the call can be found in this document
CBCS Large Projects Call Fall 2024 |
The unit for Chemical Biology (Chemical Biology Consortium Sweden - CBCS) at SciLifeLab is looking for chemical biology projects to support. We provide world-leading expertise to academic groups across Sweden in a collaborative project model.
CBGE Platform Pipeline Projects for mechanism-of-action studies 2024 |
This call is intended for projects with a clearly defined need for services from more than one unit of the CBGE platform. The purpose is to investigate the mechanism-of-action and/or molecular targets of small molecules identified in activities such as phenotypic assays or other screening efforts. Projects aimed at understanding the mechanism of existing drugs, or projects in drug repositioning and drug repurposing are equally suitable. Other modalities can be considered.
Call for Joint WASP and DDLS NESTs |
WASP and DDLS announce a joint call for NESTs (Novelty, Excellence, Synergy, and Teams) projects that span across the thematic profiles of DDLS and WASP. A NEST should address a specific strategic high-priority research challenge with international impact and visibility that requires the gathered competence of a multidisciplinary team of investigators in order to be solved. The added value from collaboration between WASP and DDLS, but also within each of the programs, should be clearly emphasized. Scientific novelty, originality and impact, as well as their relevance to Swedish industry and/or society are important.
WASP-HS and DDLS Research initiation grants for data-driven life sciences and society 2024 |
This call aims to provide funding for research investigating the human and social challenges of data-driven strategies developed and applied within the life sciences. The research should aim to increase the understanding of how using artificial intelligence (AI), autonomous systems, and data-driven methodologies has effects and consequences in the life sciences, medicine, and/or society.
For a full description of the call, see this page