Call for proposals
DDLS Academic PhD Projects 2024

2024-10-01 16:00 Europe/Stockholm
2024-11-15 15:00 Europe/Stockholm
My proposal
Call is closed; a proposal cannot be created.

The SciLifeLab and Wallenberg National Program for Data-Driven Life Science (DDLS) is a 12-year initiative funded with a total of 3,1 billion SEK from the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation. The purpose of the program is to recruit and train the next-generation of data-driven life scientists and to create globally leading computational and data science capabilities in life science in Sweden.

One part of the program is to establish a research school for 260 PhDs, within both academia and industry. The aim of the DDLS Research School is to educate highly skilled and competent professionals who will make a significant contribution to the field of life science research in Sweden.

The PhD students will be recruited to a host university/organization in Sweden, aiming to link them up with strong local research environments as well as with the national DDLS program.

As the PhD candidates are recruited at a host university in Sweden, they will be enrolled as members of the DDLS Research School and expected to take part in the DDLS Research School activities (networking events, courses, scientific visits, etc.).

The DDLS program will focus on four strategic areas of data-driven research: cell and molecular biology, evolution and biodiversity, precision medicine and diagnostics, epidemiology and biology of infection.

Main supervisor commitment letter.docx Download
Application template academic PhD 2024.docx Download

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