Anubis documentation

Anubis is a web-based system to handle calls for proposals, proposal submission, reviews, decisions and grant dossiers. It allows:

  • The creation of calls, which includes defining what information a proposals should contain.
  • The publication of calls, with handling of open/close dates.
  • Proposals can be created, edited and submitted by users based on open calls.
  • To prepare and submit a proposal, a person must must create an account in the Anubis system.
  • Accounts with the role admin (or 'admin', for short) have the privileges to use all features in the system, including inspecting and handling calls, proposals, reviews, decisions and grants.
  • Specific accounts can be given the privilege of creating calls by the admin. They will be owners of the calls they create.
  • A call owner designates which accounts should be reviewers of the proposals in a call.
  • The call owner or admin records the decisions that the reviewers have made.
  • Grants can have information and documents added by grant receivers and/or the Anubis site staff.



A call in the Anubis system is a representation of a call for proposals. It is the primary entity in the Anubis system.

A call has a unique identifier, a title, description, optional files attached, and open and close dates. It is the container for its proposals, reviews, decisions and grants. The input fields of these entities are created and defined within their call.

Open call

A call is open when its opens date has passed, but its closes date has not. A call that does not have both of these values set is unpublished, and is not visible to ordinary user. This means that there can be no open calls without a closing date.

When a call is open, it is visible to the world on the Anubis home page.

The opening and closing of a call is automatically done by the Anubis system based on the date and time as given by the server the system is running on. The admin does not have to do anything once the date and time for opens and closes have been set.

Call owner

A call is prepared and handled by the admin or a user account that is an account that has been given this privilege explicity by the admin. The account creating the call is the call owner.

The call contains the input fields that the call owner sets up for the proposals, the reviews, decisions and grant dossiers in the call.

Before the call is opened, the call owner should set up at least the input fields for the proposals. However, it is technically possible to modify the proposal fields after the call has been opened, but this is strongly discouraged, since it will likely cause confusion for the users.

The input fields for the reviews, decisions and grant dossiers can be set up later. The mechanism is the basically same as for the proposal input fields.

The call owner can choose to use or not use the Anubis system for reviews, decisions and grant dossiers.


A proposal can be created only within an open call. A user has to create and log in to an account in order to create, write and submit a proposal. Only one proposal can be created by a user within one call.

The proposal must be submitted by the user before the closes date of the call. A user will be alerted to the presence of unsubmitted proposals in the top menu of the Anubis pages.

A proposal is visible only to its creator (the proposal owner), the admin, and those accounts that the proposal owner has explicitly given access to.

An admin has additional privileges for handling proposals. See Instructions for admins.

Proposal input fields

The proposals of a call must be defined in terms of which data the creator of a proposal is supposed to provide. This is configure by the call creator by defining the input fields to be used, their instruction texts and their possible values.

An input field has an allowed type of input, such as text, integer, file, etc. There may be additional constraints on the values allowed in an input field.

Some input fields may be set as optional by the call owner, while some many be set as required, meaning that a value must provided by the user.

Submitting proposal

When all required input fields in a proposal have been filled in with values of the correct type, the user may submit the proposal. A proposal may be un-submitted by the user while the call is open. This may be useful if errors need to be corrected.

If the call has been closed, it is no longer possible to submit a proposal, nor to edit it in any way. The proposal can still be viewed by the user after the call has been closed.


A review is an evaluation by a reviewer of a specific proposal. The admin sets up the review of the proposals in a call.

The reviews of proposals within a call are set up by the call owner. This entails defining what input fields a review should contain, including scores, rank or comments.

Creating reviews

The call owner must explicitly set which accounts should be reviewers for the proposals in a call.

In addition, the call owner must create the actual review form for each reviewer and proposal. This has to be done manually via the web interface. A reviewer can edit their reviews, but she cannot create or delete the reviews.

A date and time for when reviews are due is set by the call owner.

Review visibility

The reviews are visible to the admin, the call owner, and optionally by the other reviewers in the call.

At no stage can the proposal creator view the reviews of her proposal.

Reviewer actions

The reviewers typically download the proposals and their files via a link that is visible to them in the call page. The reviewers should then fill in the review form and set to finalized when done. This makes it clear to the call owner that they have finished the review.

A reviewer will be alerted to the presence of unfinalized reviews in the top menu of the Anubis pages.


The purpose of the decision entity is to document what the final result of the review of a proposal is.

The call owner or review chair can create a decision entity for each proposal. The fields of the decision are configured in the call by the call owner. A decision may contain more information just the accept/reject decision.

Creating a decision does not send any email to the proposal author. This has to be done outside of the Anubis system.

Finalizing a decision does not automatically let the proposal creator view it; in addition, the call owner has to set the flag for this in the call.

Grant dossier

A grant dossier is a means for the grant receiver and staff to share information and/or documents about a successful proposal. This could information about other grant participants, the names and email addresses of the economists, documents relating to grant conditions, budget, agreement, and similar.

A grant dossier which has valid values in all required fields is automatically set as complete.

It is possible for the admin to add new input fields to existing grant dossiers. However, a grant dossier is not automatically set as incomplete. The admin has to go into edit mode for each grant dossier and save it; only at save time are the current values of the grant dossier checked against the requirements of the input fields as defined for it in the call.

A grant dossier is created by the admin or staff, who also configure the input fields in it. The proposal owner (which presumably is the grant receiver) can view and edit it.

A grant dossier cannot be created unless the decision object for the proposal has been set to verdict "Accepted" and finalized.

A grant dossier can be locked by the admin, which makes it impossible for the grant receiver to further edit it. It can also be unlocked by the admin.

User account

A user account is the representation of a user in the Anubis system. In order to do any work in Anubis, a user must have an account.

A user can register an account. Depending on the site policy, the account will be immediately enabled, or an admin will have to enable the account after inspection. An email will be sent to the user once the account is enabled. It contains information on how to set the password.

A user has an identifier that is unique within the Anubis instance. The email address must also be unique within the Anubis instance.

Depending on the site configuration, user accounts may be automatically enabled, or require the explicit enabling by the admin.

The admin may register accounts, which do not have a valid email address. This can be used for pseudo-user accounts which may be useful in some scenarios.

The admin may set a user to be able to create calls. A user who has created a call becomes the owner of it, and can deal with nearly all aspects of it.

Roles and privileges

Anubis uses a role-based privileges system which determines what operations are allowed for an account.

A user who has not logged in can view the open calls in Anubis, but not much else.

In order to create and edit anything in Anubis, a user account is required.

User roles

There are a few different roles for user account, which give different levels of privileges in the web interface.

A user account has one and only one role. However, the admin can change the role of a user.

  1. Role admin: This role can do use all features of the web interface. which includes viewing and changing user accounts, and configuring certain aspects of the Anubis instance. It is recommended to have only a few admin accounts for an Anubis instance.
  2. Role staff: This role allows viewing user accounts, proposals and the other entities, with some limited editing privileges.
  3. Role user: The default role, which allows creating, editing and submitting proposals in open calls. She can view all her current and previous proposals, and view decisions and grant pages, if any, for each specific proposal.

Call creator

An account having the role user may be allowed to create calls. This is done explicitly by the admin for that specific account. A user that has created a call has extended privileges for that call.


A reviewer is a user account who has been explicitly set as a reviewer in a specific call by the admin. This is technically not a role.

A reviewer may view the submitted proposals of the call and write reviews for them.

A reviewer cannot have a proposal of her own in that call.

A user that is a reviewer in one call, is not automatically a reviewer in another call. This makes it possible for a user to be an ordinary submitter of a proposal in one call, while being a reviewer in another call.


A chair is a special kind of reviewer, who has the privilege to create and delete review instances within the call, among other actions. The chair can also view the reviews of all reviewers in that call.

The chair may also create the decision entities for the proposals and edit them.


The privileges in the web interface are determined by the role of the logged-in user account.

Accounts with the user role can be given additional privileges, which only relate to specific calls:

  • A user can be set as a reviewer in a call, which gives more privileges for that call.
  • In addition, a reviewer can be set as chair for that review. This gives further privileges.
  • A user can be allowed to create calls. If the user then creates a call, she has more privileges for that call.

The table below summarizes the privileges for most actions. Note that some exceptions are omitted, such as a user explicitly allowing another user account to view and/or edit her proposal.

User User (reviewer) User (call creator) Staff Admin
Call Create No No Yes Configurable Yes
View Yes, if published Yes, if published One's own Yes Yes
Edit No No One's own Configurable; one's own Yes
Delete No No One's own, if no proposals No Yes, if no proposals
Proposal Create Yes, while call open No Yes Yes Yes
View One's own Any in the call to be reviewed Any in one's own call Yes Yes
Edit One's own, while not submitted No Any in one's own call No Yes
Delete One's own, while not submitted No Any in one's own call No Yes
Transfer ownership No No Yes, if one's own call Yes Yes
Submit One's own, while call open No Any in one's own call Yes Yes
Review Create No Chair if call setting In one's own call Yes Yes
View No One's own, or all if call setting; chair all Any in one's own Yes Yes
Edit No One's own Any in one's own call No Yes
Finalize No One's own Any in one's own call No Yes
Unfinalize No One's own, before due date Any in one's own call No Yes
Delete No No Any in one's own call No Yes
Decision Create No Only chair Any in one's own call No Yes
View One's own, depends on call setting Only chair Any in one's own call Yes Yes
Edit No Only chair Any in one's own call No Yes
Delete No No No No Yes
Grant dossier Create No No No Yes Yes
View One's own No No Yes Yes
Edit One's own, if not locked No No Yes Yes
Change access One's own No No Yes Yes
Lock No No No Yes Yes
Delete No No No No Yes, if not locked


In this section are described typical operations for users in different roles.

Instructions for users

Create a user account

  • In order to create a proposal in a call, a user must have an account in the system.
  • To create an account in the Anubis system, go to the page Register a user account and follow the instructions.
  • When a new user account has been enabled, you will receive an email describing how to set your password.
  • Once you have set your password, you may create a proposal from an open call.

Create a proposal

  • Go to the page of the open call. All open calls are displayed on the home page, so use the links there.
  • Unless you have already created a proposal in the call, there is a button Create proposal in the call page allowing you to do so.
  • Fill in the values for the input fields.
  • You may save the unfinished proposal and return to editing it later.
  • Once the required fields of the proposal have been filled in correctly, you may submit it.
  • A proposal that has been submitted can no longer be edited.
  • However, as long as the call is open, you may un-submit your proposal if you wish to edit it further.
  • A proposal that has not been submitted may be deleted by you.
  • Once the call's deadline for submission has been passed, the user may no longer submit a proposal.
  • Be sure to submit your proposal before the deadline!

Display your proposals

  • The number of your unsubmitted proposals is displayed on a yellow background in the top menu. If there is no such yellow marker, your proposals, if any, have all been submitted.
  • To list all your proposals, click the item My proposals in the top menu. If there is no such item, then you have no proposals.

Instructions for reviewers

The number of your unfinalized reviews is displayed on a yellow background in the top menu. If there is no such yellow marker, your reviews are done.

How to get the proposals

  • As a reviewer, you have access to all submitted proposals in the call.
  • Depending on the policy for the call, you should read all or only some of the proposals.
  • To download all proposals and their attached files, go to the call page. In the right-hand upper corner, there are two small black buttons:
    1. Submitted proposals Excel file, which allows you to download the information in all submitted proposals in Excel format. This does not contain the files attached to proposals, if any.
    2. Submitted proposals zip file, which contains the above Excel file and all files attached to the proposals. The naming of the files indicates which one belongs to which proposal.
  • It is also possible to browse the proposals in a list display by clicking the button by the item All proposals on the call page.

How to fill in your reviews

  1. Click on the item My reviews in the top menu.
    • The list of all reviews for your user account are shown in a table, which can be sorted by any column.
    • Note that the table may have more than one page, depending on the number of proposals. Use the page selector at the bottom right of the table.
  2. Click on the link Review to view the review of the proposal on that line in the table.
  3. Edit the review.
  4. Click Finalize to indicate that you are done with the review.
    • Until the due date for reviews in the call, you may Unfinalize a review if you wish to resume editing it.
  5. To view the proposal of the review, click the link to the proposal in the title. (Tip: do right-click and "Open in new tab".)
  6. Before the due date, ensure that all your reviews have been finalized.

Basic information about reviewers

  • A user account is set as a reviewer for a specific call by the admin or the call creator.
  • The admin or call creator also creates the review instances for the proposals for each reviewer. A reviewer cannot create their own review instances, only edit existing ones.
  • Depending on the policy for the call, a reviewer may have to write a review for all or only some proposals. The admin or call creator handles this by creating those review instances that the reviewer should fill in.
  • The content (input fields) of the reviews are set for the call by the admin or call creator.
  • The reviews of a call have a due date, before which all reviews must have been finalized by the reviewers.
  • There may be a chair designated for a call. This is a reviewer heading the reviewer group. He or she has additional privileges, if so set by the admin.

Reviewer privileges

  • The reviewer may view all proposals in the call.
  • The reviewer can edit her review instances.
  • The reviewers cannot create or delete review instances.
  • The chair, if any, of a call may create review instances, if so set by the admin or call creator.
  • The chair, if any, may view all reviews, if so set by the admin or call creator.
  • A reviewer may view finalized reviews by other reviewers only if the admin or call creator allows it for the call.

Instructions for staff

Since staff can view most data in Anubis, but have only limited editing privileges, there are no special instructions.

Instructions for admins

The admin is a user account which has full privileges for the Anubis site. She may perform all operations that are possible to do via the web interface.

User account handling

  • The admin may register user accounts.
  • The admin may edit, enable or disable user accounts.
  • An admin may set other user accounts to be admin.
  • An admin may enable an ordinary user account to create calls.

Call handling

  • The admin creates a call, and edits its content.
  • The admin controls when a call becomes published by setting the opens date of the call.
  • The admin controls the deadline for creating and submitting proposals to a call by setting the closes date.
  • The contents of a call (the input fields for proposals, reviews and decisions) can be edited whenever by the admin, but when a call has been published it should be kept intact, or users will be confused.

Reviewers and reviews

  • The admin may set a user account as a reviewer in a call.
  • The admin may also set a user account as a chair for a call. This is a special type of reviewer who has slightly higher privileges than ordinary reviewers.
  • The admin must create the review instances for each reviewer and proposal in a call. It is up to the admin to decide which proposals a reviewer must review.

Proposal handling

  • The admin is allowed to edit and submit any user's proposals. This can be done even when the call for the proposal has been closed. Of course, this should be done only in special circumstances.
  • The admin is allowed to change the ownership of a proposal.

How to create a call

A call can be created by

  • An admin account.
  • A staff account, if so set by the admin in the call configuration page
  • An ordinary user account which an admin has explicitly set to be able to create calls.

There are two ways of creating a call: From scratch, or by cloning an existing call.

Alt 1: Create a call from scratch

  1. In the top pull-down menu Calls, use the item Create a call.
  2. Provide the identifier for the new call. When the call has been opened and any proposals created, this cannot be changed, so choose wisely.
  3. Provide the title for the new call. This can be edited later.
  4. Click Create. 5 Edit the call; see the section after the next.

Alt 2: Create a call by cloning

  1. Find an existing call to clone from. Since it's the creation and editing of input fields for proposals and reviews that requires most work, use a call that has similar input fields.
  2. Click the button Clone.
  3. Provide the identifier for the new call. When the call has been opened and any proposals created, this cannot be changed, so choose wisely.
  4. Provide the title for the new call. This can be edited later.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Edit the call; see next section.

Edit the call metadata

  • The field "Description" is intended to give the potential proposal writer an explanation of what the call is about. It can use Markdown formatting.
  • The field "Home page description", if provided, is used on the home page of the Anubis web service. The description there has to be short in order not to crowd out the other open calls. It should be used then the "Description" field (see above) is too long.
  • Field "Labels" is to assist filtering when using the API to fetch call information. It is optional.
  • The field "Opens" determines when the call is automatically opened for the applicants to create their proposals. It is a date-and-time field, e.g. "2023-06-12 10:00". The date must be an ISO-format date, i.e. year-month-day. The time is in the 24 hour clock, and in the timezone set for the Anubis web server.
  • NOTE: If the date is supposed to denote midnight in the evening of 2023-06-12, then the time must be given as 23:59. If one specifies 00:00, then this means the morning of that day.
  • NOTE: This field has to be set for a call to be published.
  • The field Closes determines the deadline for creating and submitting a proposal in a call. When set, the Anubis system automatically closes the call on the given date and time. The format is the same as for the "Opens" field.
  • NOTE: This field has to be set for a call to be published.
  • The field Reviews due is for the deadline for reviews. This is a "soft" deadline; reviews can still be submitted after it. This field is optional.
  • The "Privileges" checkboxes allows selecting certain additional privileges for the call, if required.

Edit the input fields

The input fields for the proposals, reviews, decisions and grants are all defined in the call.

  • To edit the input fields of an entity, click one of the buttons Edit {entity} fields.
  • The input fields should be created before allowing users to create and edit the entity.
  • It is possible to modify the fields later, but it may invalidate an existing entity by creating a mismatch between the data of a field and its definition.
  • The input fields have a type which is determined when it is created. It is not possible to change a field type; one has to delete that field and create it again.
  • It is possible, but cumbersome, to change the order of fields. It is a good idea to plan the order the fields before actually creating them.
  • Existing fields can be edited for anything except their identifier and type.
  • An existing field can be deleted. All data for it in an entity (proposal, etc) will then be irretrievably lost.

Test the proposal in a call

  • As admin, one may test the proposal defined in a call by creating it before the call has been published.
  • After having edited and viewed the test proposal, one should delete it.
  • One should also click the button Reset proposals counter to begin the numbering of proposals created starting from 1 again.

How to set up reviews

The admin sets up the reviews for a call. This entails defining what input fields should be present in the review, setting which accounts are reviewers of the call, and creating the reviews for each reviewer.

The review input fields

The admin must define the input fields that each review should have. The mechanism is basically the same as for the input fields of a proposal in a call. In addition to the input field types available for proposals, there are also score and rank.

Similar to input fields for proposals, it is best to define these fields before creating the review forms for the reviewers. However, it is possible to modify the review input fields after the review forms have been created.

By default, the first field of a review is Conflict of interest", which is intended to allow a reviewer to declare that she should not perform the review of a specific proposal. This is treated specially so that it is possible to finalize a review if this is marked as "Yes", even if other input fields of the review have been left empty. It is possible to delete this input field.

Setting the reviewers

All reviewers of the proposals in a call must have an account in the system. Either they can create the account themselves, exactly as any other ordinary user does. Or the admin may create an account for them. Since an email is sent out by default when an account is created, it is best if the reviewers have been informed about this beforehand, else the email may be confusing.

Once the reviewers have accounts, the admin goes to the call page and clicks on the button "0 reviewers" (where 0 may be another number if some reviewers have already been set up). On the page "Edit reviewers for call", the admin may simply add the accounts of the reviewers, one by one.

If a reviewer has no review forms created, it is possible to remove her. This is not possible if review forms have been created. In that case, one must first delete each if the review forms for that reviewer before it is possible to remove her as reviewer.

Review chair

It is possible to set a reviewer as chair. The idea is that the review chair(s) should be able to handle the review process without requiring the actions of the admin. A review chair may view all other reviews, and create and delete reviews, if so set by the admin.

Creating reviews

The reviewer herself cannot create the review forms. The idea is that the admin (or review chair) determines which reviewer should review which proposal by creating the relevant review forms. This makes it clear to the reviewer which reviews she has to complete.

The admin (or chair, if so set by the admin) may create and delete the review forms for each reviewer. This is done by going to the page of the call, clicking the button "X reviewers", where X is a number.

On the page "Edit reviewers for call", there is a button "X reviews" for each reviewer. Clicking on it leads to a page listing all reviews for that reviewer. For all proposals, there is either a link to the review form, or a button "Create". Click each such button, scroll down to the bottom of the page, and click "Create reviews". This may have to be done for each page of the table on that page.

Deleting reviews

To delete a review form, one has to go to the review form page and click "Delete". There is no way to mass delete more that one review form in one operation.

How to set up decisions

The admin and the review chair(s) may create decision forms for the proposals in a call. This is intended to record the decision of the review committee, or other body that actually makes the decisions about which proposals to fund.

The decision forms may contain more than a simple "Accepted" or "Declined" statement. For example, information on the amount funded, or relevant documents may be provided. The admin has to create the input fields for the decision forms in a similar way as for the proposal and review input fields.

How to set up grant dossiers

Grant dossiers are meant to be an space for exchange of information between the admin of Anubis and the proposal submitter. This may include information on how to submit the budget for a proposal, the contact persons for technical economical information, the grant requisition documents, and similar.

  1. To create a grant dossier for a set or successful proposals, first define the fields to be used in the grant dossier. The same input fields can be used as for the proposals.
  2. There is a special input field that can be used for grant dossier: The repetition field. This handles the case where several separate collaborators on a single grant need to submit information.
  3. A number of other input fields can be set to depend on the repetition field. When the value of the repetition field is entered, that many distinct panels containing the dependent input fields will be created. If the number of collaborators is 3 (including the primary grant receiver), then the primary grant receiver is supposed to enter the number 3. This will cause a total of 3 panels to be displayed, each of which contains the input fields that were set as depending on the repeat field.
  4. In order to create a grant dossier, once the input fields have been defined, the proposal must have a decision object created for it, which must have been set to verdict "Accepted", and finalized. This is done by the admin of Anubis.
  5. If someone else apart from the primary grant receiver (who is assumed to be the using the same account as was used for submitting the proposal in the first place) is required to fill in information, then these other persons must have their own accounts in Anubis, and they must be explicitly allowed to edit the grant dossier. The primary grant receiver can add the edit privileges for these other accounts to the grant dossier, but experience shows that it is usually the admin of Anubis that has to do this.

Input field types

The input fields are the means to store information in proposals, reviews, decisions and grants. They have types which define what kind of information they can store.

All input fields for proposals, etc, can be changed by the call owner, even when the call has been published. This must be done with care, since changing a field may invalidate a proposal, etc, that previously was valid and complete.

The Anubis system does not re-check the validity of a proposal, etc, when the input field definitions are modified. This is detected only when the proposal, etc, is edited and saved. This means that a proposal, etc, which looks fine to the user may, in fact, be invalid because the call owner has changed the input field definitions. This should be avoided. In addition, the data for fields whose definition has been removed will disappear.

Available input field types

  • Line. One single line of text, such as a name or title.
  • Email. One single email address.
  • Boolean. A selection between Yes and No.
  • Select. A choice among a set of text given values.
  • Integer. A number that is a whole integer.
  • Float. A number that may contain fractions.
  • Score. A number in the range of integer values defined on setup.
  • Rank. A number in the series 1, 2, 3,...
  • Text. A multiline text which may use Markdown formatting.
  • Document. An attached file.

Input field common settings

All input field types have a number of settings, most of which may be edited after the field has been created. These are:

  • Identifier. The internal name of the field, which must be unique within the form. It must begin with a letter and continue with letters, numbers or underscores. This cannot be changed once set.

  • Title. The name of the field as shown to the user. Defaults to the identifier capitalized.

  • Required. Is a value required in this field for the form to be valid?

  • Staff edit. Only the staff may edit the field. The user will see it.

  • Staff only. Only the staff may edit and view the field. It is not visible to the user.

  • Banner. The field will be shown in various tables.

  • Description. The help text displayed for the field. May contain Markdown formatting.

Line field

One single line of text, such as a name or title. May contain any text.

  • Maxlength. The maximum number of characters allowed in the field, blanks included.

Email field

One single email address, which must look like a proper email address. However, its actual validity is not checked.

Boolean field

A selection between Yes and No. If a value is not required, then also "No value" will be allowed.

Select field

A choice among a set of given text values.

  • Selection values. The values to let the user choose from. Give the values as text where each line is one value.

  • Multiple choice. Is the user allowed to choose more than one value?

Integer field

A number that is a whole integer.

  • Minimum: An optional lower limit for the value given by the user.

  • Maximum: An optional upper limit for the value given by the user.

Float field

A number that may contain fractions, i.e. a decimal point.

  • Minimum: An optional lower limit for the value given by the user.

  • Maximum: An optional upper limit for the value given by the user.

Score field

A number in the range of integer values defined on setup. The choice of value is presented as a set of buttons, or optionally by input from a slider.

  • Minimum: The lower limit for the value given by the user.

  • Maximum: The upper limit for the value given by the user.

Rank field

A field of type rank is intended for reviews. The reviewer is supposed to rank all proposals under her review. The reviewer assigns a value to this field of each of her reviews in a call such that the values are unique and consecutive starting from 1, else an error will be flagged.

This field is then used to by Anubis calculate a composite value from all reviewers' rankings of each proposal. This is the ranking factor for a proposal.

A field set as banner will produce an extra column named "Ranking factor" (F(x) below) which is computed from all values in finalized reviews in that call. The formula is:

    A(i) = total number of ranked proposals for reviewer i
    R(x,i) = rank for proposal x by reviewer i

    F(x) = 10 * average(all reviewers( (A(i) - R(x, i) + 1) / A(i)) )

For a proposal which has been ranked 1 by all reviewers of it, this will produce a ranking factor of 10, which is the maximum. If a reviewer has ranked it at, say, 3, then the ranking factor will become slightly less than 10. The number is rounded to one decimal place.

NOTE: This is currently implemented only for reviews; it is not very meaningful for other entities.

Text field

A multiline text which may use Markdown formatting.

  • Maxlength. The maximum number of characters allowed in the field, blanks included.

Document field

An attached file.

  • Extensions. A list of allowed extensions for the attached file. A simple-minded mechanism to restrict the allowed types of files.

Repeat field

This field allow the number of a set of input fields to depend on a number that the user must input. For example, if the user has three collaborators and the name, affiliation and email address of these collaborators must be entered.

When the user inputs a number in a repeat field, the system brings up that number of copies of the other fields that have been associated with.

After having defined a repeat field, the other fields that should be repeated need be associated with it. When creating a new field, there will be a select list field to specify whether that field is repeated by a previously defined repeat field.

NOTE: The repeat field is currently implemented only for grant dossiers.


Installation instructions are available at the GitHub page for Anubis.

Software design

The implementation of Anubis is based on the following design decisions:

  • The back-end is written in Python using Flask.
    • The back-end generates HTML for display using Jinja2.
    • The front-end uses Bootstrap.
  • The back-end uses the No-SQL database CouchDB.
    • Each entity instance is stored in one document in the CouchDB database.
    • The entities are in most cases identified internally by a IUID (Instance-unique identifier) which is a UUID4 value.
    • The entities contain pointers to each other using the IUIDs.
    • The CouchDB indexes ("designs") are vital for the computational efficiency of the system.
  • There is a command-line interface (CLI) tool for certain operations, such as creating and loading backup dumps.

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Anubis 2.9.0